Terrible ear pain, young woman

It may be a surprise to many that roughly 20% of all ear infections happen to adults. Most people think of ear infections as a childhood ailment, something that affects primarily young kids. And it’s accurate that ear infections are more prevalent in kids, but they also occur frequently in adults.

Ear infections can be especially unpleasant for individuals who have hearing loss because they can interact with their hearing aids. Hearing aids can also shelter germs that could lead to an ear infection if they are not correctly cleaned and maintained.

So is it a bad plan to use hearing aids with an ear infection? You can, but it may not be something you want to do. Hearing aids could intensify the discomfort and swelling caused by an ear infection. But individuals who use hearing aids can take a few steps to manage and possibly prevent ear infections.

Can an ear infection be caused by hearing aids?

You may be questioning if your hearing aid is the cause of your ear infection if you’re an adult with hearing impairment. Technically, the answer is no. But more detail is needed to understand the complete story.

The vast majority of all ear infections are caused by viruses or bacteria that then infect the inner ear. There are a wide range of vectors that can lead to infection. In some circumstances, the inner ear becomes infected after a previous illness (for example, a sinus infection or a cold). An infection may be caused by fluid accumulation in other instances. It’s also entirely feasible that a virus or bacteria directly infected the inner ear by physical transmission.

This can occur with some frequency to people who wear hearing aids. The virus or bacteria latches onto your hearing aid and, upon insertion, gains access to the inner ear. Proper hearing aid cleaning and maintenance is crucial for this reason. In other words, the hearing aid itself doesn’t cause the ear infection, the virus or bacteria does. But your hearing aid does play a part in this transmission.

How ear infections interact with hearing aids

So what is the degree of interaction between hearing aids and ear infections? To understand what to expect, it’s useful to look at the most common symptoms of an ear infection. Here are a few of the most prevalent symptoms of ear infections:

  • Pain in the ear
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Tinnitus (a ringing in the ears)
  • Ear pressure or a feeling of fullness
  • In some cases, temporary hearing loss
  • Fluid draining from the ear
  • Inflammation and swelling

Not everyone will suffer from every symptom, of course. Typically, you will have noticeable swelling of the inner ear and ear pain in the infected ear. For people with hearing loss, these symptoms can interact unfavorably with your hearing aids. That’s because your hearing aid will most likely (at least partially) sit within the ear canal. Your hearing aids may cause added soreness as they aggravate the tender inflamed infected ear.

Additionally, any in-the-canal hearing aid can stop drainage. Your infection and discomfort may last longer if fluid is stuck in your ear. This will also increase the pressure (and pain) you feel in your ears. When you are wearing your hearing aid, pressure can be even more unpleasant.

The functionality of your hearing aid can also be impacted by the extra moisture. So your ears are in more pain and your hearing aid isn’t really working as well as it should. Which means that wearing hearing aids when you have an ear infection can be a downright miserable time.

Solutions to wearing hearing aids with an ear infection

You might now be thinking: my hearing aids annoy me when I have an ear infection… but what can I do? There are a number of steps you can take to lower your risk of developing ear infections and to manage the discomfort that an ear infection might cause. Here are a few of those steps:

  • Talk to your hearing specialist: If your ears start to feel better, but the discomfort from your hearing aids doesn’t recede, consider talking to us to see if you can get a better fit on your devices.
  • Talk to your healthcare provider: You should speak with your doctor sooner than later if you think you might be developing an ear infection. Treating a hearing aid as soon as possible will reduce the chance of it becoming severe or prolonged.
  • Take breaks from wearing your hearing aids: If the pain is persistent or severe, it’s okay to take a break from wearing your hearing aid until your ears feel better. You can use alternative methods of communication with family and friends, like texting, in the meantime.
  • Practice good ear hygiene: This means regularly cleaning your outer ear and, generally, keeping your ears dry and clean. Do not try to stick anything in your ear, however, including cotton swabs. Using cotton swabs can push earwax and other debris further into your ear, increasing your risk of developing an infection. This is the opposite of what you’re likely trying to accomplish.
  • Regularly clean your hearing aids: Making sure your devices are clean can help to ensure they aren’t transferring bacteria and viruses to your ears (or, at least, that it occurs less frequently.) Ask us for help if you’re not sure how to correctly clean and sanitize your hearing aids.

You probably depend heavily on your hearing aid every day. They help you get around your world more easily and have better communication with your family and friends. Which means that these little devices will usually be difficult to give up, even for a short time. However, taking a break from your hearing aids while you have an ear infection can help you recuperate from your sickness more quickly and more comfortably. That means you can get back to enjoying what you hear faster.

Ear infections are relatively common. But you should still seek treatment if you detect symptoms. If you have questions about how ear infections may affect your hearing aid use, give us a call today.

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